Madness and depravity on a cosmic scale in the heart of the English countryside...
Ben Ottway has returned to his family home in Marchwood; tired, broken, and grieving over the disappearance of his wife.
This should be a time of rest, of contemplation and reconnection with his elderly father, a chance to recharge in the fresh air of the remote village. However, grim nightmares and daytime visions of hellish environments populated by insidious creatures serve only to fray his already ragged nerves.
A chance encounter with a fellow sufferer leads to an unlikely alliance as imaginary threats suddenly become manifest, and the entire village falls under the sway of the Black Star. As neighbours become enemies and the world around him crumbles, Ben must search for the truth but, more importantly, he must be prepared to accept it.
Black Star, Black Sun - an unsettling new novella from Rich Hawkins, the author of the critically acclaimed novel, The Last Plague.