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Short Sharp Shocks Volume 5: The Stars at my Door is available to buy directly from Amazon.
Featuring 15 new stories from some of today's hottest writers including William Meikle, Christine Morgan, John Linwood Grant, David Conyers, Glynn Owen Barrass, and many more, these stories celebrate the optimism of old-school science fiction, but with a twist.
Short Sharp Shocks Volume 4: Spawn of the Ripper is now available on Createspace and Amazon and will soon be available as an e-book.
Get ready for some gloriously Hammer-infused stories from: Ben Stewart, DJ Tyrer, Jonathan Cromack, Patrick Loveland, Josh Reynolds, Coy Hall, Pete Mesling, Christine Morgan, Amy Braun, R. Allen Leider, Aaron Smith, John Hunt, John McCallum Swain, Glynn Barrass and Martha Bacon.
Special limited time offer!
Order the book from Createspace and use promo code 67HZXHAF to receive 50% off!
Bond Unknown is now on Kindle!

” Flesh Like Smoke is a riotously good collection of sixteen short stories that deal with multiple permutations of shape shifting.
From Werewolves to Native American legends to Folk tales to Science Fiction survival stories, this anthology has got something for everyone who loves a cracking good read and great storytellers.
Editor Brian M. Sammons has this great knack for presenting anthologies with a nice balance of styles, settings and voices that have quality stamped all over them.
The added bonus is the evocative black and white illustrations from publisher Neil Baker that accompany each of the sixteen stories setting the mood.”
- George Ilett Anderson for Albedo One